
What Happens To MPESA Money After A Person Dies ? : Safaricom Reveals

After numerous questions were asked by Safaricom users on what happens to MPESA money after a subscriber dies, Safaricom has now revealed on the procedure to be followed to claim the money.

MPesa-mobile-banking post

For M-PESA accounts having more than Kshs. 30,000
Copy of the Death Certificate
Copy of ID of Next of Kin
Grant of probate; where an M-PESA subscriber dies and has written a will
Letters of Administration; where a person dies without a will.
For M-PESA accounts having less than Kshs. 30,000
Affidavit administered by a Commissioner for Oaths and sworn by the claimant
Death Certificate (Burial permit will NOT be accepted).
Letter from Provincial Administration of the deceased’s area of residence or letters of administration
Next of Kin’s ID and copy to be retained.
However in cases of dispute, the next of kin will be required to provide Letters of administrations or grant of probate.

In instances where the funds are not claimed by the customers’ next of kin we are required to submit these funds to the Unclaimed Financial Assets Authority (UFAA). The funds submitted to the UFAA are those that have been dormant for a period of two years either due to inactivity on the M-PESA Account or where a customer is deceased and the funds have not been claimed by the next of kin.
Where funds have been submitted to the UFAA the next of kin can still claim them from the UFAA by filing a claim with them. The next of kin will be required to provide certain documentation as will be advised by the UFAA.

Written by Link Press

Uliza Links Team
Phone : 0727041162
CPT HSE, Forest Road, Parklands

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