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So You Want To LET Go ? : Critical Reasons Why You Should NOT Let Your DREAM Die

Remember those first days you were embarking on a new dream project? A ministry? Business or a relationship perhaps? There was excitement, energy, passion, ideas, faith, hope, prospects even joy. With time, especially when things don’t go as we had anticipated, we begin to be discouraged, get fatigue, loss the fire and eventually momentum. The great promise is all but dead.
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This is why I find Romans 12:11 so useful for such moments. It has three pointers.

New International Version translates it as, “Never be lacking in zeal,”

It is easy to find ourselves going through the motions after sometime of doing ministry. This happens to all of us. It is predictable that at some point we are tempted to take it for granted and there’s the likelihood of getting bored. The Bible reminds us not to be slothful in business, to keep the fire burning and to never lack in zeal. The church in Ephesus, as related in the book of Revelation 2:1-7, went through the same drill.

They were hard working, they laboured and were patient for Jesus’ name’s sake. They could not stand evil and they tried some who called themselves apostles and found them to be liars. They were forebearing. However, the Lord found somewhat against them. They had forsaken their first love. He urged them to do as they did at first. As we continue to hope in God, He renews our strength. We are to be faithful and keep the stamina we started with.

The second pointer is to be “fervent in spirit”.


In the same letters to the churches in Revelation 3, the church was found to be neither hot nor cold and the Lord promised to spew them out of his mouth. They had lost their fervour. Keep out of the company that muffles your fervour and hang out with those who are on fire for Christ. Our fellowship with each other, our service to one another must show fervency of spirit. Our time with each other is limited in the big scheme of things. We might as well have fervour which adds such flavour to life.

The third pointer is “serving the Lord.”

The more we serve, the easier it is to find ourselves serving men and not God. It is easy to look at the people we are serving and make them our focus. We are encouraged in Ephesians 6 to work for our masters as working for the Lord, not only when they’re likely to see but also in secret. In Romans 13, it is written that we are to be subject to authority as they represent the ordinance of God. This should be our outlook of service, not as unto men but as unto the Lord.

I encourage you to keep going. Do not allow death to roll over your dream. Not when it is from God. This week, be zealous, be fervent in your service to the Lord and see Him revive you and His dream for you.

Written by Susanne Showers

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