
It’s Possible to build something Majestic without GOD But For How Long ? : Former KTN Presenter

Today’s word of the day is brought to you by Kendi Ashitiva a former host at KTN on the tv show Tukuza.

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“Woke up this morning thinking about the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11. You know it’s possible to build something Majestic without God. These people agreed without God to build a tower that reaches the heavens so as to make a name for themselves. And they did such a fantastic job God had to send Confusion to stop them.
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Today you and I are BUILDERS, we are building Careers, Families, Marriages, Businesses etc. You can actually do it “successfully” without God for a while and everyone will think WOW so and so is sooo successful. But for how long? We now see co-operations struggling, huge companies like KQ, MUMIAS, UCHUMI that we all once envied, are in serious trouble. How were they built? Was God consulted?

As we build let’s consult God in every step of the way, in your marriage, your relationship, your children, your career, let him build WITH YOU.

Proverbs 3:6 says
In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.”

Written by Link Press

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