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In my last article, I discussed the need to submit to authorities be they parental, spiritual or civil. I pointed out that authority is necessary for holding our society together, suppressing chaos and allowing for continuity and progress. More importantly, authority is God ordained.
This week, I wish to address all those who are vested with authority. Those who have the mandate and goodwill to provide leadership whether it is at home, in the church or society in general.
2 Samuel 23:2 – 4 in the Amplified version reads as follow:
The Spirit of the Lord spoke in and by me, and His word was upon my tongue. The God of Israel spoke, the Rock of Israel said to me, When one rules over men righteously, ruling in the fear of God, He dawns on them like the morning light when the sun rises on a cloudless morning, when the tender grass springs out of the earth through clear shining after rain.
The fact that God has endowed you with authority and requires all to submit to it should inspire both excitement and foreboding emotions at the same time. This is because God happens to be your Boss. He delegated the powers you wield to you with certain expectations and in time will require you to account for it.
This is a beautiful, poetic illustration of authority that has been wielded through righteousness. David, having enjoyed immense power over the Kingdom of Israel and its perennial enemy, is inspired by God to record these words. The first verse of chapter 23 gives us insight into the significance of this chapter. They are David’s last words, his valedictorian speech if you like. As an anointed King (with divine right to rule), a valiant warrior (earned his throne by defeating the enemies of Israel) and a popular monarch (enjoying high popularity rating with his subjects), at the end of his career, he shares the philosophy that coagulated his success – Ruling men with RIGHTEOUSNESS.
The resulting effect of righteous leadership is similar to the effect dawn create on earth after a dark night. Dawn – morning light that expels the long reign of darkness, birthing new hope, faith, vision and prospects of better life to come. Dawn inspires life, it is the resurrection of dreams, love, energy and all that is good with life.

The other effect of good leadership – authority wielded in righteousness, is the same effect of a gentle rain on the land.  It provides the nourishment the tender grass needs to grow.  We grow, thrive and flourish under righteous authority. We become productive and not dependent on hand-outs or freebies but are empowered with the tools and opportunities we need to better ourselves and others.
I appeal to all leaders; at home, in churches,  market place, County assemblies, parliament, senate, Governors, and Head of State – we need your authority to dawn and rain gently on us. We don’t mind your pity, promises, handouts, favouritism, political rhetoric/posturing, P.R. gimmicks and the like. They can be quite helpful and at times quite entertaining. What we actually, truly, genuinely need from you is some good-old-fashioned righteous leading.
What is righteous leading? To attempt to fully posit on all the aspects of righteous leadership is way outside the scope of this article and platform on which it is published on. All the same I will venture to offer a simple definition – It is doing what is right, just and fair (Proverbs 1:3) with the authority entrusted to you. May I encourage you to please study the book of Proverbs for more insights on this subject matter.
This week, I urge all leaders to take time to dawn, rain… gently..

Written by Susanne Showers


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